Late summer last year an advertisement popped up in my news feed on LinkedIn “inviting” me to an executive breakfast sponsored byWilson, Perumal & Company, a small
The discussion was very interesting so I sought more information from the book and armed with this new inspiration started to analyze complexity costs in my own company. It quickly became clear that we too have plenty of complexity costs in our business and come November I decided to pitch some initaitves to our
Below I have summarized my story in a few simple steps you can follow to help improve the bottom-line of your company:
- Seek knowledge from outside your own job/company – in my case it was a LinkedIn ad that helped spark ideas worth more than 10 million dollars
- Don’t be afraid to be pitch your ideas to the top management of your company – despite the CFO knowing me and my work I had no direct authority to propose these initiatives
- Spend proper time gathering buy-in for your initiatives from other functional areas before you go ahead and execute – I spent 2-3 months making sure there was buy-in even for the local initiatives I was proposing
- Try and get other functions involved in driving the initiatives as it cannot be seen as just another [insert your own department] initiative – We now have three work streams all headed up by different functional managers
Remember that anyone in your company can help make improvements and chart the future direction of the company. Why shouldn’t that be you?