Some customer charges us some fees for errors in not following their business rules. Their fees are typically assessed per occurrence. We have been
Accounting For Chargebacks
I have recorded it as contra-revenue, most recently in the apparel business.
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On the other side of the fence I've coded it as reductions to logistics costs as the rationale is we had incurred additional costs as a result of supplier error. Not Cogs but just below impacting contribution margin.
You have to ask which manager is responsible for these costs. Wherever that manager's costs appear is where these costs belong. Responsibility accounting.
Thanks for your help.
Agree you need to get to the source of these charges. These fees are an operating cost and administrative in nature. Using the wrong shipping company example you provided, where ever you charge the shipping costs normally, these fees should be charged there, since technically they are a cost of those specific sales. Bad decision making aside, these costs are part of doing business. Take this to your