We are planning to hire an Administrative Assistant. It seems the trend is to call this an Administrative Support role. Does it matter? What are the trends in this type of position? I want to ensure we are looking for the right type of person and for some the title can make all the difference in the world.

Administrative Assistant Job Titles
Christie, I'd look at the help wanted, and the "job descriptions" for the titles you think match what you want and need.
If you find the title is CCBW, then that's the title. But does a title really matter (as long as it isn't a "legal" title, like VP, etc.)? Isn't it the quality of the hire and the structure of the job (or visa versa)?
The title does not matter one bit to me and yes I am looking for quality all the way. However I do understand that titles do matter to others so that is why I am trying to be sensitive to it. No-one likes to be called a "secretary" anymore, so I know if I put an ad out for a Secretary I likely won't get much response. My "
We call our person a Department Administrator. This was coded as an exempt position which gives us more flexibility in hiring the right person at the right salary.
A point of information: Just because you "coded" a job title as an exempt position, doesn't make it so. Check with your GC, because a "mis-coding" can be a very expensive mistake.
Our admin works for Exec level only. She also is responsible for our wellness program and a lot of company events. She manages the Front Office Coordinator. We changed her title to Executive Administrative Coordinator. Titles might not matter to the executives but they often matter a lot to the employees.
I hate titles for just this reason. Everyone has a different definition, as is evidenced by the answers you have received so far.
Depending on what you are doing (advertising, posting to a job board, etc) I would downplay the title if possible. Just call it "Administrative Position" or something like that then describe the duties. Let the duties select the candidate rather than letting the title select who replies to your ad.
Once the person is hired, get input from the person. In the end titles mean little, but are important to some people. Give them a say in their title as long as it is reasonable.
Scott - I love the approach! Thanks