Has anyone heard of this organization? http://www.accfo.com/ My concerns based on their website is: Your resume is reviewed and Certification is granted, so long as you are a member. If you're "Certified" you're "Certified", although you may not be "active" (just like being licensed a

Association of Certified Chief Financial Officers
Not an altogether bad idea but aside from the tenure requirements the rest seems rather subjective. Not to be a stickler, but they need to fix a typo on their home page.
"The Association's email portal and membership meetings enable CFOs to share experience and expertise useful in addressing the administrative,
The Proformative site meets many of these objectives without offering a "
Association of CFO's = fine. Calling them "certified" CFO's is nonsense. There are CFO's of 3 person finance shops and there are Accounting Managers running teams of 25 people who could blow that CFO out of the water. To imply that title/tenure itself is indicative of a "certified" level of capability is very misleading.
You make a very good point. However, most "certifications" are based on standardized tests. Is a test any more representative than title and tenure? All certification programs are intended to certify that you have a base of knowledge. They do not represent your ability to perform, though for some reason that is how many employers interpret them. Only your references/reputation can really attest the this most critical attribute.
Wayne, Chris's answer is a perfect rebuttal to your CPA vs. non-CPA question that pops up every so often. All the CPA designation means is that you studied and passed (albeit a difficult) test it says nothing about how you deal with day to day situations.
But it sure is a great way for
We just love HR types, don't we.
I agree that just because you past some (difficult) tests, doesn't mean you know what you are doing, but HR types just love letters after their names.
Case in point, a friend of ours is a Real Estate Salesperson. She has more letters after her name that are in her first, middle and last names. I asked her does anyone know what they mean - her answer no, but they are impressed anyway...