I have a general question/interest in understanding the Bank
I am curious to find out how many or what type of institutions join the statement activity and account management tasks? Also, are their any GAAP requirements which would dictate a seperation of duties?
Thank you for your responses.

Bank Accounting : Reporting Responsibilities
Great question, and from my experience in many cases this is dictated through SOX compliance in terms of segregation of duties.
My background (although not as a retail
In my mind, best practices is to segregate, bank recs, from journal entries related to bank accounts, from treasury who often times is the "
My experience as practitioner is consisitent with my experience at AFP which involved interacting with several retail treasury professionals.Segreagtion of duties rules and this more SOX driven and I am not aware of any GAAP related requirements regarding who makes journal entries and does bank recs (not sure that type of issue falls under GAAP).
I agree with Ernie. As a former