Sorry, don't know if this is appropriate with this group but for smaller companies where you manage the

Recommendations for SMB applicant tracking system?
Hi Aaron,
Abra HRMS is a stand alone system that has great applicant tracking functionality in addition to a full range of other features. It can be integrated with many back office
Let me know if you would like more info, I'd be happy to speak with you about it.
I looked at Abra, but didn't want to deploy more in-house software. Has anyone used Orange HRM's SaaS offering? It would be for ~250 employees in multiple locations.
The recruiter in my company just shared with me a solution she's impressed with: SmartRecruiters ( My recruiter claims that it's free for now, but there must be some kind of revenue model in the background. In any case, she says the solution is quite good.
-John Krebsbach
Hiredesk ( is great. It is SaaS and i know you asked for licensed software, but this system has been well worth every penny (maybe $100/month/seat as I recall). It is so easy to use and hook into your website that it deserves a look even if it's not your first choice in technologies.