I got a lot out of this article https://www.proformative.com/articles/what-not-say-job-interview, but was wondering what the community believed to be the case more specifically re: a I got a lot out of this article <a href="https://www.proformative.com/articles/what-not-say-job-interview">https://www.proformative.com/articles/what-not-say-job-interview</a>, but was wondering what the community believed to be the case more specifically re: a CFO job search.

CFO interview questions and answers. What to ask and what to answer?
Are you interviewing or looking for a job?
Looking for a job. Would like to get a better idea of what to expect and ideas of how to answer or prepare. Also, what questions to ask them.
Consider contacting a CFO
Assuming you are prepping for a CFO interview:
To Ask:
- General 'discovery' questions should be answered in advance by working with your network and trying to meet company insiders
- Reporting structure/peer group/staff questions - get those through
When you get to the interview, focus on their expectations for the role both immediate needs and within Year 1. What are expected the person taking the role to be able to deliver.
To Answer:
Again, your network comes into play to help get insight on hiring style or formats.
- Your skills and cultural fit: HR will do the screen of background - there are the required experiences (
- Your experience: The general discovery will guide your preparation. For example, if the company is growing rapidly or just expanded internationally - those would be high priority areas to see how you fit.
In both what to ask and answer, I recommend you understand the CEO - how she/he approaches business and their level of experience will be a good indication of what they need from the CFO.
Hope this helps.
Editor's Note:Here is a Proformative