My organization is looking for a boutique IT consulting firm to evaluate our current IT business model. We have a dedicated IT service provider that provides data center

Boutique IT Consulting Firms
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Contact me to arrange a quick call, in order to understand your IT needs and see if we can help or recommend someone who can. mmoreda [at] wovenware [dotcom].
I would welcome the chance to talk privately with you.
When you do your analysis, I would recommend that you start with an IT Portfolio Analysis - what are your business needs and how well do your current IT needs address them? (This is in contrast with an IT system analysis - how well are our IT services implemented?)
IT Portfolio:
1. Infrastructure - You will have core services (IT folks call this 'infrasructure' that you just needs - phone systems, networks, computers, etc). These are fairly easy to analyze and you can use a simple TCO benchmark to determine if you are acquiring these resources in a sufficient manner.
2. Applications - The next step is your applications - how well does you application portfolio meet your needs - take an inventory of your current and planned business needs and then determine whether your current systems will meet those needs - your results may be surprising - I find that most companies are overinvested in this space because they don't understand the impact of systems integration on current operations.
3. Information Systems - how well do your systems serve the information and decision making needs of the firm? You may have the best CRM system in the world but if it can't provide useful insights into client behaviors, it's not going to help you make business critical decisions.
4. Strategic Systems - these are projects that can provide you with competitive advantage.