I recently got my GED so I have to start at a tech school in libral arts to transfer to the university but I don't know what to major in and what emphases I should be concentrating on so I know what classes I should take. I have 4 boys, one of which has kidney disease so Im trying to figure out what makes the best money. I'd like to have everything mapped out for a great

What do I major in and what emphasis makes the best money?
This really depends on what your skills are. What do you have to offer an employer and what areas do you
While I understand that money means a lot to your situation you should consider doing something that you enjoy and will make you happy. I have witnessed time and time again people doing jobs they don't like and it never ends well for the person or the employer so just keep that in mind.
Playing off Christie's comment, I think you're asking the wrong question. The chances are poor that you would find great success in a career for which you have no passion and that doesn't play off your strengths. There is no "one answer" for all people. I would recommend speaking with a school counselor to discuss your strengths and interests and with that basis, discuss which fields might best help you monetize those key aspects of who YOU are.
Your community college should have some resources available to allow you to explore what your skills are and how they will translate into a good paying career. Typically they have in person counseling sessions to help you out. Good luck!
The community college is a great place to start. They will have technical
It's great that you're already envisioning yourself as a COO in your organization. Assuming that you truly enjoy