Our last stock valuation was in mid 2014. We are a start-up company and have no audited financials to date. We are planning to have another stock valuation. If the new valuation results to a lower estimated FMV for our stocks, we want to propose to change the price of previously issued stock options. If it is possible and the board approves, how far back can we change?
Can we change the price of previously issued stock options?
yes, the board can authorize a change. Best to void existing and issue new stock options at a new price.
How does this affect Section 409A fair market valuation and taxes?
Technically you can reprice any options that are still outstanding. Though many private companies early on are not calculating stock comp expense on options, particularly if it is possible that you will go public in the near future, you need to be aware of the implications.
For awards that are repriced, in addition to the stock comp expense related to the original award, the new award (for
The reprice itself does not create any
In public companies, where there is the issue of shareholder scrutiny, often the repriced awards offered will have some loss of benefit, such as change in vesting or share amount.
With regards to 409A, a single reprice does not usually pose a problem. If a company reprices multiple times, however, it can create the perception of a variable exercise price that could be treated as a discount from the original grant and lead the company afoul of 409A.