Can you tell me who you use as your travel management company with Concur?
We use Carlson Wagonlit Travel,
They were our agent previous to the Concur implementation last year. We have been happy with the results.
We use AMEX Travel. The biggest complaint I get from my users is that it not as good a Kayak - the user interface. I don't think any Corporate travel service has a real good interface. AMEX was the best when we chose it 2 years ago.
We currently use Travel Incorporated, but only since Jan 2014.
We use Travizon ( and the Concur travel tool. We have less than 100 active travelers/expense report filers (all domestic).
We're trying to decide on whether is makes sense to employ (and integrate) Concur expense reporting (...their Breeze version) -or- use another 3rd party expense reporting tool (say Expensify). Concur has the benefit of integration with the travel side, but costs more and is cluttered (less friendly) than say Expensify. I would be interested in feedback from anyone who has integrated Concur travel with Concur expense reporting (Breeze) and whether the integration added much value.