I always ponder what direction to take with regards to my

Career Coach
I have heard them called Life Coach. We use one for our District Managers. It helps keep them on track and allows them to work on all aspects of their life (i.e. personal, work, spiritual). I can send you some information if you are still looking; I realize this is old. :)
Career coaches (disclaimer: I am one) are different from Life Coaches. Our focus is in helping clients (in my case CFOs) proactively manage a very specific piece of their lives ... their careers. I will say, though, that since a career consumes a huge part of life, they are sometimes interconnected. However, career coaches do have a specific focus.
Many career coaches come on the scene once they have an active job seeker as a client. They coach them through the transition period - active search mode.
My practice is a little different since I rarely work with unemployed people. Rather, CFOs (and
Some of us also do branding work as part of the packaging and positioning process. Understanding how others see you as it aligns with what you believe to be true about yourself -how you do what you do - and then leveraging that uniqueness as part of an overall communication strategy. For the right candidate, branding is fun and highly effective. It also requires about 3-6 months of work in advance of creating a communication and
With the exception of a severance package that includes such services, career coaches are paid by the client. Engagements can last anywhere from 6-to-12+ months depending on the services (pre-search, search, and even post-search [landed] coaching).
Hope that helps, Thomas.
When I think of "Life Coaches", I think of Zig Ziglar, John Maxwell, Brian Tracy, and other motivational-type speakers. Perhaps life coaches are even unlicensed physiologists. These are vastly different from yourself and other career coaches.
I have also found that not all recruiters are career coaches either, so I tend not to think of recruiters as such. My opinion, for what it's worth, is that a recruiter is trying to get a candidate a job so that they can get a paycheck for themselves. Whereas a career coach has more of an interest in their client's future. A successful candidate will be repeat business, and even recommend the services to others.
It is good to know also, Cindy, that you work with CFO wannabees.
Probably the best method to find a coach is to ask others who used one and their experiences - just like you did here, pass the word around to your network.
Most likely you'll get a couple recommendations, so take the time to interview them and see if you have a compatible style. It's a bit of intangible, but it's your level of comfort with their answers. Get a chance to talk to other folks they coached. I think you'll find that the lines between Career and Life coaches tend to blur - since its a bit hard to separate the two at times.
From my experience, the only mistake I made was not investing time before I met with my coach - it probably took us a bit longer than needed to get up to speed. I took a bit of break and gave some consideration to what was interested me - then when we got back together we made more progress.
All the best,
This is spot-on, Chris. Recruiters represent - and are paid by - the company. Career coaches are hired by - and paid by - the candidate. We have a vested interest in our clients because they represent our livelihood (and some of us just LOVE the clients with whom we work). Recruiters have a vested interested in a candidate who can earn them a commission if they place them. If not, those candidates are quite disposable.
That said, a really good recruiter will prepare the right candidate for the right position. However, that is different than the bigger "coaching a career".
I do work with Finance Executives who are truly motivated to do the hard work necessary to get that CFO title ... because it isn't an easy road and definitely NOT for the faint of heart!
Before hiring a coach, write a list of things you want to accomplish. Ask your peers if they'd hire a coach and what worked and what they'd do differently. Interview 3 coaches... but find the ones you want.
Cindy mentioned that she's a career coach who works to help her clients reach their goal of being a CFO
I work with financial advisors who are seeking to double their incomes. In order to do that, they have to take a look at their lives. So I'm a trained life coach and experienced business coach.
If you're looking for someone to help you with resumes, interviewing, changing careers, being a better manager, being a better seller, etc. -- you need someone whose specialties are those things. If your life can use some help, then look for someone who works on personal values, needs, missions, etc. and maybe can help you create a life plan.
If coaching 1:1 is out of your finances, then look for a coach who offers group coaching.
The 5'oclock Club is an old time firm that some of my clients have attended... before they decided to start a business.
I have some resources and articles on coaching here: www.ElevatingYourBusiness.com/favorites/coaching.html