Can anyone help me find a Controller/

Why Can't I Get a Job as a CFO &/or a Controller?
Networking, plain and simple. Network where perceived hiring managers congregate (think of a new way to date again).
Don't spend that much time in the flock of other CFO's, where you'd be one of many, but find places, events, etc that you are one of a few.
Make sure your LinkedIn profile is spot on (whatever that means to you).
Make a business card with your Name, e-mail, cell phone, LinkedIn URL (and modify it so it says your name) and maybe title "Chief Financial Officer"
In other words, make your own "luck", don't depend on the recruiting and staffing companies to make it for you, they won't.
If you weren't on my
No one but you can get you a job. And if anyone promises they can get you a job, run run as fast as you can - in the other direction. You are the driver of your
And the posted position game is the most ineffective of all job search strategies. Those
Cindy -
Can you post the link when its available?
Here you go, Wayne.
Thank you Cindy!
No offense, but it might help if you spellled "Real Estate" properly, and used here/hear correctly.
Advice v Advise too!
Employers aren't looking for someone who wants a "job"
If the OP instead positioned his qualification as a "problem solver" anxious to show how his skill can help a prospective employer grow and prosper, he might have had better luck
You seem new to the unemployment arena. First off staffing agencies including those that masquerade as CFO contract agencies are not going to help you get a job. They are only in the game to earn a commission. If you don't fit with their clients they are not interested in talking to you, so they ask you to send a resume. If they will not take the time to call you and speak to you with out a resume, move on.
Only a Digital Unicorn can get a job today.
Because you are higher level you will need to put together a "press kit" of accomplishments and capabilities.
If you have an employee mindset then you are lost. Today you need to do business development for yourself. You can either spend time applying for jobs that don't get through the ATS or you can get a copy of the Book of Lists in your city and start making phone calls to find independent contract work. The amount of work is the same but you will have more luck not applying for jobs.
If you previously worked for a large company then you are well positioned to broadly help those in the middle market, or offer your services back to your old employer at a higher rate under contract.
Working with larger businesses is harder because they all have approved vendor lists, so there again it comes down to developing personal relationships with the decision makers.
There cultural networking groups where business owners congregate as well.
A little different perspective ... if you MUST play the posted position game and have to adjust your resume for every position, you have no focus. You are trying to be all things to all people rather than standing strong in who you are, how you impact, and who needs those strengths.
And some sage advice from an old cliche ... if you keep on doing what you've been doing, you'll keep on getting what you've been getting.
In this economy I have known a number of people that have been unemployed. I know individuals that found their next position - through networking relationships, through staffing agencies, through Linked-In advertising, through Consulting/Contract work, and opening their own business. The moral of the story -- you have to be good at all of these approaches. Focusing on just one limits your opportunities. But Cindy is spot on - choose the face you want to give the market and do not change.