I am looking for actual

CFO/Controller presentation material samples
Proformative also offers online
"How to
And, here is a video introduction. to this Proformative course.
Best... Sarah
There really is no one-size-fits-all for such a crucial role because CFOs and Controllers play such different roles in different organizations. As you'd expect, the CFO at Ford Motors would not logically be expected to perform the same functions as the CFO of Wells Fargo.
Like any other performance review, this person needs to be graded/rated on the key business initiatives (e.g.
Thank you so much.
Best regards,
I would focus on what the business has targeted as it's KPI's for any business review meetings, being able to focus on targets and whether or not the business is meeting them, exceeding them, missing them, will enable the discussions to circulate amongst the members of the review team, which should focus on the reasons why and the lessons learned and the improvements to be made.
If you don't have any KPI's have a think about what they should be for your business, they may be monetary GP, EBITDA or more strategic like labor turnover, stock turnover, etc. etc.
If you have existing KPI's think about other metrics that might also be beneficial to the business, KPI's that were identified two years ago, may not be appropriate for the business and how it is operating today.
Good luck
Appreciate your good comments, thank you. No, we do not have KPIs yet.
I was also hoping to find some humorous materials..
Best regards,
What kind of business are you in? If manufacturing, I could give you some ideas. Send me an email.
Thank you. Yes, it is manufacturing, a medical industry.
My current work location though has only distributing operation..
Best regards,
The poem by Herbert S. Bailey, Jr., 'Quoth The Banker, 'Watch Cash Flow'' (http://www.aridni.com/financing/quoth-the-banker-%E2%80%9Cwatch-cash-flow%E2%80%9D) does a pretty good job of listing some of the items to consider.
As to format, small line charts of monthly trends are easy for your audience to follow. NEVER chart YTD P&L data, because the upward-sloping lines communicate very little about your performance. Instead, you could show YTD variance from target, or monthly trends in year-over-year performance.
(When I was consulting, I seldom saw monthly YOY charts among clients. That always surprised me, because YOY charts do a great job of showing trends in growth while avoiding any effects of seasonality.)
When I created Excel reports for Board meetings or for other special meetings, I was always concerned that their ad hoc nature, and their importance, would significantly increase the likelihood of error. So I tended to turn those fancy reports into standard monthly reports. Not only did that tend to reduce errors when I needed the reports for special occasions, it also improved the quality of information I gave to senior managers.
Thank you so much.
Below is a sample Table of Contents from one of our recent board meetings:
Financials EBITDA Statement - Consolidated Company 5
December 2013 Financials - Retail Bag Business 6
December 2013 YTD Financials - Retail Bag Business 7
December 2013 Financials - FAD 8
December 2013 YTD Financials - FAD 9
Total Debt Outstanding 10
Covenant Compliance Tests 11
Commercial Commercial Highlights 13
Retail Bag Sales Funnel 14
Strategic Account Update 15
FAD Sales Funnel 16
New Product Scorecard 17
New Product Sales Funnel 18
Ops Safety Summary 20
Converting Cost Bridge 21
Supply Mgt Raw Materials 24
Legislative Legislative Key Activity Update 26
Financials 28-29
Sales Pounds Bridges 30-33
Thank you so much.
These are some very good inputs on how the CFO/controller presentation should look like. in addition the focus needs to be on providing more forward looking information apart from looking into historical costs. The information should be able to help the CFO / Controller in some tactical / strategic decision making.
Among the better presentation materials I've seen for analysts calls for a public company have been those of Alcoa, Inc. You have to enter through this window to read the disclaimers, but the materials are contained in a *.pdf file you should be able to locate. You're looking for the Q413 Analysts presentation.
We do these kinds of analytics for SME's, pitch meetings, etc. so feel free to reach out if you need us.
Best of luck.