Can anyone recommend a good commercial real estate leasing and property

Can anyone recommend a good commercial real estate management software?
I'm partial to Timberline - but it's pricey. Skyline does a good job of keeping the data and doing property management, but its reporting isn't great, you have to download to
My two client use
Argus and Yardi are generally considered the leading software vendors for property management. These systems can track more than you want to know, calculate partner ROI, exit points, evaluate new deals and deal structures, etc... This may be what you need with dozens of properties.
For over four years we have been using a web based property management software solution, UnitConnect, to manage our commercial properties. Currently we manage about 200 commercial tenants ranging from big box stores such as National Grocery stores to local mom and pop stores.
The software is affordable and provides functionality required to manage commercial NNN leases. One of the features we love there is Vendor pass-throughs where you can pass through expenses incurred directly to Tenant's bills.
Visit to find out more details. It certainly is the right solution for us.
I would recommend Yardi
I also recommend Yardi, but it is very expensive.
I will recommend Intuit QuickBase, for real estate leasing and property management so that you can manage your tenants' new equipment and service requirements.