I am in the lucky position of looking at two or three opportunities that are all viable

Comparing opportunities? Is there a great template to do so?
The “value” of an opportunity is not inherent in the position itself, rather in how good a match it is to your skills and goals. The opportunity which best matches your skills and best fosters your
The Five O'Clock Club has tools to help you make these measurements. Here they are:
SEVEN STORIES EXERCISE Take inventory of your skills and passions. List stories of when you accomplished something and enjoyed it. Include career and non-career activities. Include childhood and adult accomplishments. Pick the seven best stories then, one at a time, analyze what skills you employed and why you enjoyed it – what motivated and impassioned you.
40 YEAR VISION Describe your career and life situation as it is now and as you’d like it to be in 5 years, 10 yrs, 20 yrs, 30 yrs.
Now you have an inventory of your skills and goals. Which opportunity best matches your skills and passions? Which best leads to your long term career and life goals?
Check out 30 years worth of proven methodologies at www.FiveOclockClub.com. Lots of free articles.