We are a small IT company ($20M revenue). Looking for a Travel and Expense
Has any one compared Concur, Expensify and Nexonia?
"Unable to project or control Sales team's spending across the globe."
I don't think software is going to cure that problem. It's a bigger, policy issue.
We use Concur. Honestly, we did not make any comparisons and chose Concur because of its relationship with AMEX. I slightly disagree with the previous post. Concur sets limits/flags on travel, requires approvals, reports on exceptions, etc. However, if the previous post comment was on culture, I would agree. It is still a challenge to get some people to use Concur and their management allows them to move outside the rules (while complaining that travel costs are too high). I would take time understand the cost of concur and see if you'll save/offset the transaction costs with your
Thank you. Will look at Concur costs and decide
While you cannot necessarily control Sales team spending, you can certainly put a solution in place that will provide you the ability to create the right policies for your organization that can automatically flag violations. My experience is that employees will have more clarity on the rules and start doing a better job governing themselves within the rules. You should also be able to very quickly (with a couple clicks) get clear intelligence on the spending trends and problem areas through reporting. And being international, automated dealing with currency exchange and policies appropriate for different countries should also be part of the solution. You should be able to find a solution that best meets your needs and comes at the right price, ease of use, and support.