Has anyone had experience getting their data out of NetSuite to convert to another software package? What problems did you run into? How many years history could you get out?
Converting from NetSuite
Can I ask why your are wanting to get away from NetSuite? I have heard some good things about it but have never used it. I was considering moving to NetSuite at some point.
Hi. I work with NetSuite and have become fairly adept at pulling customized reports out of the system, mainly for financial reporting and analysis (not a big fan of the canned reports and lack of flexibility in this area)...
My suggestion is to generate a list of what you want then prioritize and what your new system is going to accept (e.g. is it just financial or are you also trying to get payroll, project
Having converted many times for companies I have worked or consulted for (QB to Intacct, MAS90 to Intacct, mishmash of stuff to Dynamics, etc.), I usually gravitate towards a large GL export and call it good on the financial side; followed by AR and AP vendor lists-balances.
Bottom line, I don't know of a "wizard" to get it all done; so pulling reports, exporting to
Happy to assist in more detail; just ping me with an e-mail. - Paul
Wondering how you have used the offering. I tend to put as much as possible into the system (documents, leverage the workflow capabilities).
Yes, we went from QB to NS. We did summary data only for the current year and use a program that converted the data from QB format (using a conversion program) to CSV so that we could easily upload the data into NS. The current year detail data was a bit more of a challenge since we had multiple files to upload, Invoices, AR, AP etc. NS was very helpful in uploading the Invoice information.
Is NetSuite valuable, as clients gross receipts > $50 million/year and they are acquiring multiple vendors?
I'm a little confused on the range of answers to what seems a straight forward question.
Regardless of the why's or wherefore's on the choice of moving, every
Why don't you ask your NetSuite consultants. You want to get ALL your data, in one shot, correctly. Go to the fountain of knowledge, pay the piper and move on.