Hello Everyone, I thought this would be the right forum to seek guidance from some very seasoned finance professional and coaches. Am desirous of changing my

Corporate Finance Career Path
With the credentials that you cite, you should be able to step right into the career you seek.
However, when you say switch from "IT" I'm wondering exactly why. Depending on what exactly you do in IT, I suspect might be much more lucrative than almost any position in finance.
Is this a case of the grass being greener on the other side of the fence perhaps?
Thanks for your reply and feedback. this is encouraging starting point. Finance something that I always longed for. Its not about grass being greener...its the passion and what comes naturally to me..what kind of jobs should i apply....and how should i prepare myself.?
Finance executives with a depth of
Remember, it's not about what you've done or the credentials you hold. Ultimately, it is about how you solved problems and impacted the organizations.
Large corporations typically have roles which bridge the gap between IT and the business units. I am sure there are some opportunities if you pursue this route. Also, you can leverage your prior experience in a company in a
Thank you Patrick and Cindy for your feedback and guidance.