I am reactivating my MN

CPE credits .. Are these recognized by the MNCPAs
If you are registered with Robert Half you can ask them to add you to their
If you need that many hours I recommend attending live sessions because you will be brought back up to date much faster than online
You can try contacting "Western CPE" and see if you can sign up to pilot a new CPE program, sometimes they have free credits for that.
You could also develop your own CPE course and count the development hours and presentation hours as credit. Check with your state board or society about the rules and record keeping. I've done that myself in the past, although not to catch up on credits. I'm currently planning out an ethics course, even though it won't qualify as ethics CPE, its still one credit of technical.
Deloitte has online
Call up some CPA firms in the area and ask them if you can sit in on their in house training because you need to catch up. Might be a good networking thing for you.
Try googling, there are some low cost providers out there for home study.
Excellent suggestions. Thanks!