What would be key topics of interests for CFOs from Financial Services Industry?

Do CFOs require in-class training?
You really can't learn how to be a successful
I second Ernie's statement and will add you can't learn to be a successful CFO by taking and passing tests. You learn by doing, by discussing issues with peers and leaving yourself open to alternatives.
Wayne - Agree with you on this. Sharing actual experience and learning from the successes and challenges others have faced is important. However, it doesn't address the full circle of learning and improvement opportunities. If the CFO or Controller has an effective boss or mentor, that person will be more than helpful in giving appropriate feedback on effective behaviors and areas needed for improvement. If the person is not a particularly good boss, all you are likely to get is feedback on the failures and it won't be presented properly to maximize the learning potential. In that case, the CFO or Controller has to make the best possible of a bad situation. Additionally, an effective CFO or Controller who is really committed to professional improvement has to be open to comments, suggestions, and criticisms from subordinates. If not open to those, the work environment created becomes toxic, which can lead to performance problems for both the subordinates and the CFO. Additionally, the CFO who is not open to the views of subordinates is working without effective feedback on his/her actions and is relying on a biased/clouded view of the likely success of actions imposed on the work group.
Agreed,foresight and great communication skills are two key skills required.Technical skills are a given.
I agree with Wayne. I would prefer the old fashioned face to face discussion groups. So tired of online
Thank you Marilyn.
Len Green and I are giving Proformative's Fin Tech Forum (https://www.proformative.com/events/nuts-bolts-approach-selecting-right-
A war General is only known at the battle front. However, there are useful rudiments of the game you could gain from well packaged professional trainings/courses. Hence to be a successful CFO, you need the combination of training and