We just hired our first part time employee - for 24 hours/week. We have a rate established and that's her target hours. Do I need to set her up with timesheets, or do we just pay her based on the presumed 24 hours/week, just as we do with full timers and their presumed 40 hours/week. Part 2 of the question: Would we need to pay overtime if she works more than 24 hours/week? How about more than 40 hours in a week? Thanks.

Do I need to put part time employees on a timesheet?
Depends on the State where you operate and if the position has been classified as overtime eligible under FLSA. If they are OT eligible, then yes track hours worked and refer to state guideline for OT calculations (e.g. is it hrs over 40/wk or hrs over 8/day). Most professional /
There are even states that require you pay overtime over 8 hours a day. What state are you in?
It sounds like your company policy for exempt and non-exempt employees is a report "by exception" policy. It is very common and acceptable that your 40 hour a week staff report their time off, rather than time worked. You can treat your part time person that way as well and have them report total hours worked to payroll. If that is the case you most likely do not have a complicated system the employee must log in and out of each day to track hours and minutes.
However - I would suggest some sort of form (even if it is just in
Would it be prudent to capture time worked in lieu of the requirements of the ACA?