We’ve tried several different recruiting techniques to find new employees, but all methods seem to suck up lots of time. Recruiters seem expensive, so we’ve avoided that route until now. What has your experience been?

Do you think recruiters are worth the cost?
I think most (not all) recruiters are just interested in their commission. You need to spend the time to, well hire, the best you can find.
Question is, is the time you spend hiring the right recruiter better spent just hiring the right employee?
A recruiter should have the specific talent to identify candidates that fit within your company. An expert that can pull upon a candidate pool quickly. What is the value of the time you have expended on this task? You are paying the expense with time vs. dollars, which may be ok unless it is pulling you away from your primaty tasks of generating revenues. My suggestion - seek recommendations and contract with a recruiter.
If you aren't getting the results you want, then perhaps a recruiter would be worth his or her weight in gold.
Alternatively, you might try Linkedin Recruiter. I just blogged about it.
It all depends. I like using a recruiter:
a). if they actually prescreen resumes and candidates.
b). if they do the negotiating. You can more easily say no to demands. I believe a third party between the candidate and employer gets a more fair and satisfying result.
c). If they guarantee the new hire; so if the new hire is a dud on the first day you easily get rid of them.
d). If I have exhausted or do not have time to work through the many resumes from sources like Craigslist.
e). If I do not have a clear job description. Usually the recruiter wants a clear job description.
f). If they are on contingency fee basis. (Retained searches are for special employees)
g. They can check references. Though you may want to call yourself.