Can anyone recommend a firm that can help me build an e-

E-learning web development recommendation?
You want to contact Don Ficken at His e-mail is [email protected]. Thanks, John
I have exposure to two drupal-based learning platforms.
(2) the platform behind
I have worked with Joe Matthew ([email protected]). He enjoys this topic, and he has several reference-able customers for his learning platform. He helped us build our website ( I briefly evaluated Joe's learning platform (; however, I was not able to spend enough time to create valuable opinion. I got pulled in a different direction.
Lullabot is the software company behind They created a learning platform for called Lullabot sells/consults on their platform. is a pretty impressive Drupal training resource. I have not used Lullabot; however, I have been impressed with the people they hire and how they conduct themselves at various events. Videola is very video focused.
If you do not mind, please keep me in the loop. I may be in your shoes soon. Thanks!
Chuck Boecking
[email protected]
Thanks Chuck. Here is one such platform which is built on the same platform as Proformative (Drupal) --
There are 12 videos on what this tools does and doesn't do here:
It is a good platform for someone who wants to own the platform outright, host the content on a hosting platform and monetize. You can see how this platform compares with some of the alternatives -
If I can answer anything on Powerful LMS, don't hesitate to reach out.