I would like to find a testing suite that covers Emotional Intelligence (EI), but can't find one out there. If you are aware of one would you please share? I have looked at cognitive testing, and other skills testing, but for higher level

Emotional Intelligence (EI)
The tests generally require you get certified/trained. One recommendation EQ-i 2.0 Here's their link https://ei.mhs.com/Home.aspx Hope this helps.
Why as a society are we so tied to "testing"? If the "tests" are so perfect (which is what we are testing for, isn't it?) why do they keep improving the test?
I wonder how some of our greatest minds would have succeeded if they had to take these "tests"? Einstein flunked math (an old wives tail), but Bill Gates and Steve Jobs never finished college (and I can go on). Exceptions to the rule? maybe....
By the way, before the argument is made that you can't study for the types of tests being discussed, I firmly disagree. If one can make it, one can study it and reverse engineer it.
Check out Hire Well Now. I am not sure if it's exactly what you are looking for, but it works great for us. It measures personality traits. It looks for common patterns to questions answered and does a great job of picking out someone being dishonest. The people who designed it are amazing to work with! http://hirewellnow.com/
Thanks Christie! I'll take a look at that. I have used Affintus in the past, but it is cognitive testing, which is still handy.
Here's a free EQ quiz. Doesn't look too extensive but may work for your purposes.
Thanks for sharing that Ron!