Employee engagement activities & ideas needed
I'm sorry, but what exactly do you mean?
The idea is to develop a reasonable set of activities or initiatives to get staff more energized, entrepreneurial and engaged with the business. The intended pay-offs include greater productivity and less turn-over. I'm on a small team tasked with developing some options.
Thank you, makes sense.
A lot has to do with corporate culture. Are you re-inventing the culture or just making the next logical progression.
Next are the demographics of your workforce. The size of the company, industry, etc.
If you can give us a better idea, you'll get better answers.
Regardless, the ideas Andrea talked about are very good, but again, I wouldn't want to get stuck providing bagels for an office of 50 people :)
Susan – I think what you may want to do is look up “intrapreneur”. The idea is that talent is inside your company, which appears to be what the intended goal is to find that out.
I think the Post-It Note from 3M was an intrapreneurship idea from one of its workers.
The company should allow for either one hour a day to work on special projects that is creating something, or a set amount of time to do so. Maybe even a half day. Not for the entire company, but on a rotating schedule so that all the real work gets done.
I am sure there are legalities involved, such as you do not want to let employees work on something with your resources while you are paying them to have them run off with the product and mass produce it. If that was the case they could become an
The company is taking all the
These are only initial thoughts. I may come back with more.
A few ideas I noted once -- more about engagement than entrepreneurism; probably more suited to small offices than large.
a) Any employee can take another employee they feel they can learn from out for a meal. No limits; make it easy.
b) To welcome new employees -- the most recent hire is responsible for making a "starter kit" for the next one to join. Each kit totally different and personalized, jokes, interesting books, Nerf guns, treats, etc.
c) Many offices have a bell for sales successes -- make the bell available for anyone, at any time. However, if you ring the bell without merit, you have to bring in bagels for the entire company.
d) movie night at the office, families invited
e) 5 minute "show and tell" portion to kick-off weekly team meeting -- each week an employee presents on whatever they want and they select next week's employee.
[ I think these are from this quora thread, possibly elsewhere around the web: http://www.quora.com/Startups/What-are-the-coolest-startup-culture-hacks-youve-heard-of]