Evaluating Employee Performance Review Examples or Pros & Cons of a Scorecard Approach?
A pure scorecard approach works well for Senior Managers. Set numeric goals and score the attainment of the goal. Give a bonus based on the score.
But for lower levels that have less autonomy, it is difficult. I would recommend a mix of quantitative and qualitative measures for non-managers.
Carrie, I found we have here at Proformative a handy and free...
Here's where to download as a document, followed by the text of the form here to give you an idea of what it covers without having to download it. The downloadable form is a nicely laid out form document.
Employee Performance Review Form:
I hope that helps.
Best... Sarah
2016 YOUR COMPANY Employee Performance Evaluation
*See link for instructions
**See link for 360₀ form
Employee Information
Employee Name
Position Title
Date of Hire
Period of Review 200#
Manager Name
Evaluation Summary – fill in when all is completed below. (replace example data)
Area Rating (1-5) Weight (0-100%) Weighted Rating (calculate)
Objectives 3 50% 1.5
Skills 4 50% 2.0
Management N/A N/A 0.0
Total 100% 3.5
Use the following scale when rating the employees' performance:
• 5 - Superior - Consistently takes initiative and produces high quality work that is clearly Superior. Consistently sets and achieves stretch goals.
• 4 - Exceeds Requirements - Often takes initiative and often produces high quality work that clearly exceeds requirements. Often sets and achieves stretch goals.
• 3 - Meets Requirements- Consistently meet requirements and is doing a competent job.
• 2 - Improvement Needed - Meets some of the requirements; however, a key area needs improvement.
• 1 - Unsatisfactory - Not meeting minimum requirements. There must be immediate and sustained improvement.
• NOTE: Ratings should not be more granular than .5 (e.g. 3.5 or 4.0, but not 3.30, etc.). Weights should total 100%.
Objectives: what were my objectives? (list here) Achievement: what did I complete? (just the facts)
Objective Commentary
Employee comments on Objective hits and misses:
Employee comments on Other stuff I did (not in my original Objectives):
Manager comments on all:
Weigh and rate the employee's performance in relation to the following skills. The manager may use their discretion in determining which of the skills are meaningful for the employee's goals and position.
• Job Knowledge - Practical and technical expertise required for the position
• Productivity – Quantity, extent and timely completion of assigned tasks
• Quality - The degree of excellence of your work as it relates to the level of your experience
• Communication – The effectiveness of your exchange of ideas and information with others in written and verbal form
• Teamwork - The extent which you effectively cooperate with and communicate with fellow workers and managers. Your resourcefulness in developing and utilizing a network
• Other - Use your discretion
What were my skills objectives? (list here) Achievement: what did I complete? (just the facts)
Job Knowledge:
Skills Commentary
Employee comments
Manager comments
Weigh and rate the management skills for employees who manage people. Consider the manager's abilities to develop staff, manage projects, meet deadlines. The weight on this item should be 0% if the employee does not manage others.
What were my mgmt objectives? (list here) Achievement: what did I complete? (just the facts)
Management Commentary
Employee comments
Manager comments
Overall Comments
Employee Signature: Date:
Manager Signature: Date:
Next Level Manager Signature: Date:
2017 Goals & Objectives
Enter primary goals for the employee for the coming year. Call out important milestones, projects and objectives. Be as specific as possible around deliverables (e.g. dates, expectations and work product).
Objectives (add rows if needed) Weight (importance) %
Professional Skills what skills do I need to develop further?
Management Skills managers only
Employee Signature: Date:
Manager Signature: Date:
YOUR COMPANY management will periodically evaluate the performance and objectives of all employees to ensure employees and management are aligned on what is being done for YOUR COMPANY and to optimize employee performance.
For every employee and manager to know and agree with the employee's performance over the past year along a variety of axes (including job skills, communication, objective completion and others), set objectives for the coming year, areas of and plans for improvement, and career goals.
Completing the Performance Evaluation is a joint process between the manager and the employee.
1. HR will deliver this document to the employee.
2. The manager will request up to 4 people to give 360-degree feedback on the employee using the 360 Form.
3. The employee will enter their own input into the Evaluation Form and the Objectives Form and return to the manager. If the employee was here at the last review period, they should use the objectives set at that time as the objectives being measured in this review. (contact HR if you need a copy of your past review) Getting the employee's perspective first provides both a good starting point for the manager as well as added insight into how the employee considers their own performance and objectives. The employee may enter the weight and rating but should understand that their input is a conversation starter, and that their inputs, rating and weights will most likely be changed by the manager at the manager's discretion.
4. The manager will thoughtfully review the employee input and the 360 feedback, add their own comments, and enter the weighting and rating for each section.
5. The manager will meet with his/her manager to review the documents and edit as needed.
6. The manager will present the evaluation to the employee, discuss their, and anonymously, other's feedback in constructive fashion with the employee. The goal of this meeting is to communicate the assessment of the prior period's performance and agree on objectives for the coming period including any developmental and career objectives. The employee will then sign the review. Both the manager and the next-level manager will sign the review.
7. The evaluation and objectives forms should be returned to HR in both hard copy with signatures and soft copy.
8. In another six months the manager and employee will meet to review progress against objectives and document any new or changed objectives using the Mid-Year Review form.
9. This process is not meant to replace regular one-on-one meetings with direct reports and staff, rather it is meant to enhance the employee's and manager's experience, working relationship and productivity.
360 Degree Feedback Form
360 Goal
To gather valuable information from surrounding sources. This includes managers, direct reports, internal and external clients and co-workers. Feedback should be frank, honest, and constructive. This should be treated as confidential information.
Employee Information
Employee Name
Feedback Participant (that’s you)
Date of Feedback
Relationship to Employee (e.g. co-worker)
How do you interact with Employee? i.e. provide context for your comments
Fill in below as appropriate.
1. Relationships with internal and external customers?
2. Working relationships with co-workers/clients?
3. Ability to meet objectives?
4. Ability to solve problems (creative/innovative)?
5. Can you count on their work to be of high quality?
6. What can/should they be doing better?
7. How can I improve my management of the employee?
8. Other?
In my experience, the key is that the process needs to start from the top and work down through the organizational levels, each a subset of the one above. If you don't do that, it can be a de-motivator in the lower levels of the enterprise.
I agree with Mark. I always used the scorecard as a group motivator, but adjusted goal weights to suit the individual job description. Measurement took place monthly with assessments accumulated to yearend.
Hi Carrie,
Here are my 2 cents based on my time as a Director of
(1) potential
(2) performance
The vast majority of companies only gauge performance, and doing so is a big mistake (more why below). A good scorecard is good at measuring some aspects of performance; therefore, I would guesstimate that a score card would only account for 20% of someone's review.
There there are three components to employ-ability:
(1) skills
(2) knowledge
(3) attitude
Your ability to execute skills, provide timely knowledge and demonstrate a great attitude will yield performance. Please note that attitude is a condition of employment. If someone demonstrates a bad attitude, the review conversation is typically very short. This speaks to your typical scorecard.
Your ability AND the actions you take to improve your skills, build your knowledge and enhance the organization (attitude) represents your potential. This is true for the individual and the individual's influence on others. A better question is "does the individual make others want to improve?". The answers to this paragraph are a different kind of scorecard in and of itself.
Why performance only is a mistake? Because companies that only measure performance do not build potential. As an employee yourself, when was the last time someone proactively sought ways or encourages you to grow beyond yourself today? Keep in mind this question is very different than someone telling you "DO MORE...".
My only other point is this: if you are going to build a scorecard, be committed to continually enhancing it. It will take time to build the complete picture. Get lots of feedback from the team. You win when the team owns the scorecard.
As an ERP implementer, I build lots of scorecards. The above represents some of my experiences.
I hope this helps!
Chuck Boecking
Concur with comments that scorecard should be dynamic and relevant. The pros are you have a tool that keeps the group focused on achieving cohesive goals and provide line of sight to the 'big picture". It does require more team participation from the
At Intel we used a scorecard...a loathed and necessary process when trying to normalize 100K employees. It helped to track desireable metrics, show areas for improvement where the company had invested in (and could send the manager/employee to)
At smaller companies, I've found scorecards to be wholly inappropriate. Team goals work better, as does ongoing management and feedback. Even in the most measurable areas, such as sales or engineering, it can distract from relevant guidance and interaction.
Good points Chuck. In my experience one of the simple keys is to have a scorecard that addresses individuals and teams. An ROI tool combined with good top down communication and sincere recognition with rewards can create a positive community dynamic and improved performance.
Tai Aguirre
This is actually easier for transaction based individuals as we post productivity metrics with a goal bar in the chart. For example, process X number of transaction line items each week. For mid level managers, it gets a little tougher as there is not a direct link to ROI or any other corporate objectives. A team goal which Keith mentions would be more applicable.