What are typical ERP business areas and processes well-suited for mobile apps?
That's a good question, Laurie. From a purely theoretical standpoint, any location where inventory movement or conversion takes place could utilize a mobile device. If fact many software applications come pre-configured with the ability to accept transaction data from portable devices. Given the evolution of apps for portable devices, the universal scanner coding of inventory specifics and the general familiarity that people have mobile devices it is possible for an ERP system to 1) collect demand information from field sales people distributed across a geographical region, 2) transact inventory movement (in & out) from warehouse personnel at supply locations, 3) record production material usage and finished goods received, all in real-time using mobile devices.
Good insight, Richard.
Laurie, you may be interested in this free
Using Mobility to Expand Planning and Performance Management
Best... Sarah
I'll repeat my comment from a previous thread:
Mobile Apps are great, but you need to research the associated security issues inherent in wifi and mobile devices to make sure it is the right method for you.
Couple of thoughts:
1) To be close to the required action. If you need to transact / support ERP processes where there is no local terminal it helps to be mobile. Think about warehousing or logistics functions.
2) To distribute actionable information. Information can drive behavior (for example sales month to date can help motivate people depending on that number). Pushing summary or specific information to mobile devices let's people act based on that information.
Mobile devices are not where you want to analyze, do heavy transaction processing (unless it is bar-code or alternative entry based), or do core ERP processes.
1) Purchase order approvals
2) Invoice approvals for expenditure by cost center holders for non PO expenditure
3) Approvals for manual JVs passed by finance teams
4) Approvals for linking supplier and supplier's bank information if payment process is EFT enabled
Above are some processes i could think of.