I am considering an FEI membership. Has everyone found this membershp to be beneficial? And what do you find to be the best attribute of membership?

FEI Membership Benefits
I have been a member of the Silicon Valley Chapter of FEI for 25 years.
1. I enjoy the networking prior to the dinner meetings.
2. I enjoy the after dinner speakers. We have a large variety of speakers and topics.
3. My wife and I attend,and enjoy, the social functions.
4. The
I am actually on the Board of the SF Chapter and arrange programs so in addition to the benefits mentioned by Konrad, it is a good way to keep up to date on developments and meet some interesting sponsors (who then become part of your network).
I think that the best way to get value out of any group you join is to volunteer for positions with the
You can also attend a meeting as a guest of a member and check it out for free.
I have been a member of the Colorado FEI chapter for 12 or so years now. We have great dinner speakers and the free professional development sessions are timely and informative. It is a great way to network with other senior executives in your area. I highly recommend checking out a meeting.
You did not mention what city you are in but if it happens to be Denver I would be very happy to host you at a meeting.