In a work environment with flexible hours, what hours should I be working to make the best impression?
Depends on your environment. In my experience, leaving before the office closes, even if you were there very early, still is perceived as you leaving early. In our industry, the beginning of the day is a little quiter so staying late has the bigger impact. Good luck!
Unfortunately perhaps, face time still matters. I agree with Natalie above, but if your job is markets facing, on the West coast, you still need to start early. After all, at 6:00 a.m., the markets are opening in New York.
I would suggest standard hours something like 8:00 - 5:30 or so - as long as your not the first one leaving from your department. As well, if your caught up with your work, asking if there is anything you can help out with always looks good too - either that or just working on
The best impression is going to be made by your job performance not what hours you are there. The privilage of flexible hours is to allow everyone life balance and to work at your peak time.
Cindy nailed it. I would rather be known as someone that gets "the job done" then the one that comes in early or stays late. We all know people that spend tremendous hours at work (early or late). But we have the best impressions of those that complete tasks in the time frame established.
I also agree with Cindy. I've had to make changes to my schedule several times this year. The only ones who seem concerned are the people in the front office - not my supervisor. I get the work done and stay late when I have to. The office staff doesn't see what I produce, so I don't worry about making a bad impression on them (they also complain about the president's hours - go figure!).