Hi all, I'd appreciate any advice on where to go next in my career. - I worked in public accounting (Big 4) for 4.5 years - Transitioned to large public company $300 Billion in Internal Audit I've been offered a job at an old client as their Controller (Mid-sized private company planning to go public in the next 2 Qs) - I have a 1.5 year old and would like to have a second child and am concerned about the hours this job might entail (I mentioned that working more than 55 hours continuously would be difficult (they've assured me that they have the budget to hire consultants to assist with tasks as needed (i.e. 606 implementation, drafting disclosures, etc.) - But this is an opportunity that is hard to pass up as it is a big pay/title promotion for me - Overall I'm a frustrated that all accounting jobs seem to require a ton of hours. Even at private companies this work/life balance can be hit or miss for the Controller - So I'm considering going into FP&A instead. Cons are I feel like I would have to start at the senior level again before being able to move up and also, I wonder if I would like the work. My personality is that I like there to be answers to things and forecasting information seems a little ungrounded (but that could be because I haven't really worked in finance) My questions are these: 1. As a Controller at a smaller private company -- how are the hours? is work/life balance a possibility or are there other accounting positions that offer work/life balance - Technical Accounting/Financial Reporting Manager? What do you like about being a Controller? 2. As an FP&A senior/manager -- how are the hours? When are you most busy and what do you like about this role? Thoughts/advice is much appreciated, Career Confused CPA