I'm looking for a resume writing service for someone 20+ years in commercial building material sales. Have you used a service? If you have, what were the pros/cons for you? Recommendations for selecting a service? Thank you all for your help.

Have you used a resume writing service?
Just like a piece of art, everyone has an opinion; so no service will provide you with a perfect resume.
I have never used a service, but I have definitely done web research for tips on how to do a good resume. I've found that the inputs are remarkably consistent, so see no need to go with a paid service.
The keys are accuracy/honesty, using numbers to show the value you've created in your various positions, and tailoring the things you've done/value you've created to the job you're seeking when you submit your resume.
When I read a resume, I look for relevance in positions held, upward movement from job to job, and metrics on people managed, dollars generated, dollars saved, etc.
This said, we're in finance, so don't over do it. We don't "grow revenue from $5M to $25M." We support strategies to scale, etc.
Julie I used Michelle Dumas about 10 years ago. You can find her via linked in. I had a strong resume but she adjusted words and formatting and provided me with a clean copy that held the format. (One of those issues I truly hate when reviewing internet resumes) Her fee was reasonable for the value provided. Per above comments from others though don't feel it vital to go this route, if you have a strong background and are a good proof reader you can be just fine on your own, but if you want to put your best foot forward I believe there is value in hiring someone.
As someone "in that business," Julie, I might be a bit biased ... but,
What most of my colleagues bring is the sideline view of objectivity combined with an understanding of what it takes to effectively market a client. We help our clients move from holding a responsibility mindset and a need to cram everything in so they appeal to everything ... to strong positioning from value based on your goals and target market.
Many folks advocate that no one can write your resume but you, but I strongly disagree. Done right, a writer WILL write through your voice because there cannot be a disconnect between who you are and who appears on paper.
To those who hold the "only I can do it" belief, I would ask ... do you also cut your own hair? Do electrical work on your home? Repair your own transmission? Operate on yourself or your family? If you have knowledge of how to do those things - great. But if you don't, you might just make things worse.
Not all resume writing services are created equal, and generally you will get what you pay for (pardon the bad grammar in deference to a cliche).
I hope that's helpful. All the best!
I have used a resume service; it was not worth the price. I do think Cindy raises some good points regarding objectivity and perspective. You can get both through the FENG.org which offers resume reviews to members at no cost.
While that is true, I'll repeat my statement (differently): You won't please all the people all the time.
With so many examples from colleagues, on-line search, etc. there is plenty to help you get a resume started. However, if you seriously struggle with getting it together, then hiring someone to get it laid out for you is worth the investment.
However, the writer is no better than the quality of information that you can provide them. You need to create the content (successes, value of successes, details of role, etc.) that can be put into a resume. The resume writer has the benefit of seeing a number of resumes - so can borrow from their other clients to get your resume started.
Once you have a resume in place (regardless of who writes it) - you will likely need to create a couple of versions to highlight different elements of your history that are relevant to different types of positions (for example, a compliance may be more important in one role, when analysis is more important in others - all based on what the company needs).
Before you hire a resume writer, talk to some of their other clients to see the quality of their work. I look for how well the resume reflects the uniqueness of the candidate and highlights their mix of experience and skill.
Hope this helps.