Hi Everyone, I wonder how you would handle this situation? I am a controller directly overseeing 6 staff in the accounting department. 4 clerks and 2 senior accountants. I have been working with this employer for 7 yrs. My situation is that the CEO and the Chairman of Board had approved an outside payroll provider based on my study and recommendations. In addition, they also have directed me to keep the payroll information to myself and HR. Prior to my involvement, the payroll was done in-house by one of the accounting staff (T) and HR (L). As a result of this direction, T would be kept out of the loop as she will no longer have access to employee's pay rate like she used to. She has used to be the center of the payroll process and she is on the far edge. I can tell she doesn't like this change. My question is "How do I communicate this to her without hurting her feelings?" Thank you!