Does your company have a policy around employing or hiring relatives? Do you think these kinds of policies are necessary?
We hire many relatives, in some cases five or six deep in a family. Has its pro and con. You can end up with silos and favoritism issues. I would think about a limit of 2-3 in a 100 person company and minimize overlap in the responsibilities.
Hiring relatives are fine. The only policies I recommend - related individuals should not be in the same department, including spouses; and one relative should not have a supervisory role over the other. It never works. Disagreements always turn personal.
We do not hire relatives and I think it has worked great for us. My
Maybe it depends on the position too; it has just always made me very hesitant.
I have worked for a number of companies and hiring relatives was always in the mix. This was especially true in family-owned and/or rapid growth situations.
We used the same general rules as Regis mentioned above - not in the same department and cannot supervise a relative. The biggest concerns were making sure that everyone is treated fairly; and that relatives do not take work issues home - this was especially true in family-owned businesses.
In a smaller organizations I generally do not encourage family referrals; in larger organization you have the ability to following some of Vernon and Regis guidelines. If you have an organization culture can objectively support such a hiring practice the benefits include higher retention and low-cost sourcing of candidates.