On August 5 and 6, 2015 the Willow Creek Association is having its annual global

How are you growing as a leader?
Just finished reading Think Bigger on the Internet of Things and Big Data. Now reading Thirteeners, a great book to give a CEO. I recently attended free conferences hosted by Rackspace and AW and other NJ
If I may offer a simple answer, talking to your coworkers can help you grow as well. As they share problems and solutions with you, you learn. As you hear things and see things happen, you adapt. As you take action on these things, you grow.
I have learned a great deal reading business books, watching ted talks and youtube, reading articles and pursuing knowledge. In fact, the business book that impacted me the most was "The Law of Success" by Napoleon Hill. However, despite all of this the greatest leadership attributes I have learned, by "unlearning." In other words, erasing much of the conditioning that is written in our minds as we grow up. I have done this through meditation, reflection, Qigong and other techniques created to understand the nature of our own minds. It is important to remember there are many forms of leadership. I think when most people talk about leadership in business some are referring to the "Rock Star" CEO that everyone loves, but others think of the servant leadership model like Ghandi as well. That said, one is "Ego" based and the other is not. It is important to understand what direction you are trying to head before you spend a lot of time going down a path you were not intending.