The non-profit that I currently work for has decided to change its by-laws, do away with the Foundation that I presently work for and implement a new model for running the non-profit (that is the short version). I have been with the Foundation for only 10 months. I am told that I MAY have job security for the next 18 months, however, as I have come to learn, the current

How do I explain my short tenure to potential employers but more importantly, how do I get them to notice my resume without red flags going up?
I don’t see how this situation is a “red flag” if you explain it clearly as above - the simple facts are the entity you worked for decided to embark on a comprehensive restructuring and as a result, you were put in a position of potential insecurity. No potential employer will hold it against you that your situation changed due to organizational dynamics beyond your control - that happens to people all the time. The fact that you are looking for opportunities despite have been told of your possible 18 months of “security” is an indication to prospective employers that you are not a complacent individual. No need to be defensive about this at all if you ask me.
If you read Scott’s answer carefully, you’ll see no reference to “management’s habit of quickly changing their minds.” No whining at all.
Stick to the high ground when talking to anyone about your reasons to move, even though you may feel a little irritated right now about the situation.