In a company with both hourly and salary Employees, how do you determine Holiday bonuses by longevity, performance reviews, a mixture of the two or a completely different way? Would love to hear some different perspectives. Thanks.

How do you determine Employee Christmas bonuses?
We actually did away with a Christmas bonus and went to a monthly bonus program tied to specific metrics based on the NI of the company. The Christmas bonus became something that was just expected as a gimme and we really wanted a program that had some teeth to it and created some ownership. You control your score card metrics by how well you hit your targets.
If you want an annual bonus program I would definitely tie it to performance as much as possible.
I have never seen Christmas bonuses in my
I agree with the above. If you have a Christmas bonus, it really is a gimmie and it becomes expected, then people get jealous if some got more than others. A company I used to work for gave out toilet paper for a bonus (They were a paper and office supply wholesaler), but everyone got the same bag of stuff.
Other companies I’ve been to gave out the gift cards for a local grocer. Something small like that where everyone gets the same amount is safe.
The problem is if its tied to performance, you have to be able to explain why someone is getting the amount they did. You may or may not have time for that. If you want to short your lower performing employees some, be prepared to discuss why.
We don’t offer Christmas bonuses, instead we have party on that day. We offer year end bonus to employees to show employees appreciation for a successful year.
I agree with most of the comments. I would provide a nominal holiday bonus. Same dollar value for each employee regardless if hourly or salary. I would provide a larger incentive bonus during the annual review period. This would be tied to the individual hitting their individual goals and a portion tied to the company hitting the company goals.
Since it is a gimme and is expected, we now pay $XX per year of service. very cut and dried. then we do an Xmas party meal together each year - some years with spouses and others not.
Thank you for all the comments. Much appreciated!