If you live in a city with good public transportation, I know you can probably get a lot of work done on your commute. But for those of us who have to drive 30 plus minutes a day to get to the office, any suggestions on how to take advantage of that otherwise lost time?

How do you take advantage of your commute?
Our DMs utilize that time to make calls to their store managers. Our CEO uses that time to call any on of his direct reports he may need to run something by or discuss something. I use that time to plan my morning, think about an issue, and on the way home I use that time to unwind so I don't yell at my family if I've had a bad day. ;)
I also know people who buy audio books and listen to books.
This is a great question and I am always looking for ways to improve the commute, not only for productivity but to ignore the traffic!!!
I do the following:
1. Audio books
2. Check in phone calls to other geographic locations - so much gets lost in electronic communication, a friendly check in phone call keeps people connected and feeling more like a team.
3. Audio to do list - on my Voice Memo app (I find driving gives me time to reflect but then quickly turns to all those things I have to do!!! This audio app works very well!)
I sparingly use my 45 min train ride to take 20-30 minute NAPS. It refreshes me beginning of the day (i wake up very early in the morning) and it extends my day/night on the way back. Word of caution, one must really have a good alarm clock (app and a good set of earbuds) so you don't miss your train stop...lol. I also have an 8 minute walk from the station to the office so I also use that for "planning the day" in the morning and also unwinding on my way back.
Going into NYC, Penn Station is the terminus and people have woken me up...
Going home, I've missed my stop and ended up 3 to 4 stations away and a 30 min to hour wait for a return train...
Sleep. An under-rated commodity. I normally take public transport.
Otherwise it's phone time
Good question Ryan. I have anywhere from 30 minutes to 60 depending on the day. Depending on the direction of the commute, I use differently. On the way to work, I typically try to prepare for the day. Either by reflection time or phone time. On the way home, I typically try to unwind and prepare for family time.
I drive 30 miles each way. I spent some part of that time swearing at other drivers who are texting, phoning, or otherwise not paying attention to the raod.
I have used recorded books before, especially on business.
Audio books.
I deliver packages with Shipbird on my commute, I made $30 on my way to San Francisco
I use my 4G iPad to do online self study for my Continuing Professional
For many years, I had a lap top that I close up and the reopen on the bus and continue the task I was working on from the office. I have a 35min to an hour commute. Recently my new laptop has a cell phone link and using VPN, I can access any system or file on the commute that I can in the office. This extends by office day. I also can handle emails on the lap top rather than using my smart phone.
On my 50-60 minute drive, I avoid using my cell phone. Talking and texting distracts concentration on the task at hand - driving in heavy traffic. I do listen to audio books. Started this activity in 2008 with a subscription to Audible and my local library. I have increased my 'reading' by about 25 books a year.
In the car, commute time is for audio books and hands free personal calls. On the train, tablet work or personal reading. Nothing more annoying than folks trying to do business calls on the train.
When I work from home I start working before the time my commute would start, another reason working from home is much more productive than commuting to an office.
I've been loving having Siri (for mac os users) read my emails and webpages, I can get caught up and do research or just have something read for fun while on long commutes.
I hope all of the people making phone calls are not driving. I value my life and sure hope I don't lose it to someone who felt their phone call was so important.
That's why there is bluetooth :)