I am on my path to become a

How much salary can be expected by a CPA with no experience at all?
I hate to break it to you, but you need to learn to start giving a lot more detail if you ask such questions.
Salary depends on many factors. Location, private or government job, cpa firm or not. If a cpa firm, big 4 or smaller. And so on. A cpa job with a local city government in a small town in Wyoming wil give you a vastly different salary than a big four vpa job in New York City.
Well, most probably in the state of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia to be precise.
Other than that I don't know where I'll end up.
Robert Half has a great salary guide that I believe could help. It can be analyzed based on your location as well as the other items Gerard mentions above. If you use it keep in mind the salaries listed in it are based on national averages. You'll need to refer to your location and multiply that factor by the national average.
My son just completed his undergraduate degree in
In most states, you have to have one year at least of experience to get your CPA. Once you get it, I think you can expect $60+. As a first year associate, with no CPA yet, probably around 50k in most markets, more in larger markets.