What recruitment site(s) would you recommend for recruiting a Controller or CFO?
Honestly I don't think you would find the most suitable candidates for these senior level roles on any recruitment site.
These people mostly need to be found and not find you.
There are so many, from Monster to Beyond, TheLadders to LinkedIn. Then there are the groups like FEI and FENG that have job opportunities sections.
Not to leave out your networking abilities with your legal and
Lastly there are the executive recruiters of the world.
Each of the above broad stroke suggestions may cost $0 or 20%+ of the first year's compensation.
By the way, there is, at least in my mind a tangible difference in what a Controller and
In the final analysis, it depends on how much work the CEO wants to invest in vetting people, what he needs today and in the mid-term as far as finance,
Contact me if you want more info.
I would rephrase the question to:
What sources would you use to find a controller or CFO?
1. Best is often your network-CEO should use his network too.
2. Ask your business advisors (but make sure they can actually help - if they are active networkers/connection makers, then ask them).
3. I would also suggest you post on FLA-Finance Leaders Association-on LinkedIn, in addition to the other sources mentioned above.
I agree with the comments above. Start with your network and those of your execs, board, and advisors. If you do post the job, be prepared for a flood of resumes. FENG (thefeng.org) is a great free resource. If you post on a site like
All of the above are great ideas. Depending on the pay level of the position, you may want to try the FENG (Financial Executives Networking Group), which is a nationwide group of experienced financial executives. They put out a newsletter to the membership with job leads. You can find out more at www.thefeng.org