Many of the whistleblower templates are similar and seem pretty basic. I am interested in avoiding mistakes that others may have made in implementing a policy at their place of employment

In implementing a whistle blower policy, what are some of the must-haves and what are some common pitfalls to avoid?
I recommend speaking with your legal counsel before implementing a Whistleblower policy. Attached is a link to good article by Littler published in August of this year. Here are a few points from the Employer Responsibility section and the link to the article follows:
-Update policies to encourage employees to report their reasonable good faith concerns with any issues within the company;
-Update policies to clearly articulate that the employer will not tolerate any reprisals or retaliation by anyone against an individual who reasonably in good faith makes a complaint;
-Develop and implement whistleblower reporting procedures for employees and procedures for handling such reports;
-Consider implementation of a Code of Conduct;
-Review mandatory arbitration agreements and revise as necessary.
I hope you will this information useful.
Good stuff from Lisa. What follows is an example from personal experience.
One of my SOX clients had a Whistleblower policy and outsourced the service provider. As it turned out, the service provider was previously owned by the then
The "guts" of their policy providing employees the 1-800 phone contact information for the employee hotline. Was supposed to be available 24/7/365, as one would expect, with confidentiality guaranteed, the caller was not required to disclose their name. Reporting to the company was supposed to be in place, where the employee wanted to remain not disclosed, this was supposed to be maintained.
Simple SOX test, called the 1-800 number. Result : Failed. I called early afternoon, middle of the week, got a recording no one currently available, to leave phone number for call to be returned. Pretty much broke the confidentiality commitment if the caller left the call back info, the rest is obvious.
Moral to the story, in picking a 3rd party hotline service provider, make sure they are appropriately scaled to provide the service level committed (this example was not), make sure their service offering is in sync with company policies and procedures surrounding the whistleblower program, make sure there was some reporting mechanism on a pre-determined frequency, whether there were and calls or not.
One time I was "forced" to report someone because a peer in management (a random peer, not a close associate) dumped it on me. Didn't think it needed to get to me in the first place, but they involved me for whatever reason (perhaps strength in numbers or she wasn't a credible source or she was limited by her own fear). At that point I thought I couldn't ignore it. It was quit or report it internally, appropriately. Would do the same thing again.
The problem is an entity or individual retaliating after the fact, giving a bad reference, potential defamation, etc. All one can do is alert various parties such as law enforcement, the legal community, etc. Even worse, when someone repeatedly tries to pummel you, and officials are slow to act, one is forced to fight fire with fire. One must put some faith in the FBI, SEC, and/or Attorneys General, among others to keep bad people from being bad.