What do you, as C-Level or senior management feel the role of the

Informal (and probably unscientific): HR: What is their role?
Well, according to Robert Townsend in "Up The Organization", not much. He recommended getting rid of the HR department all together.
And, in my own experience as a manager, an executive and an employee, I'd have to agree.
Many HR types often seem to be the worst purveyors of corporate politics and power mongering. They certainly have something to offer the organization but, in my own experience, they tend to overstate their own importance and spend too much time trying to grab power and improve their status in the pecking order compared to actually providing value to the firm.
Many HR Directors and VPs I've known are legends in their own minds. Their attitudes, values, personalities and Machiavellian ways would have been better suited to sales than an internal, administrative function.
Just my $0.02 worth.