Hello, Can anyone offer any advice or policy resources for the following situation: A municipal government that has a senior
Internal Control of Telecommunication Devices
I would:
1. Formulate the policy
2. E-mail the policy and post on the companies intra-net.
3. Mail the policy (company mail should suffice) to all. Have them sign receipt that the policy was received. Give a dead line for all signatures otherwise their device will be turned off and retrieved.
4. Annually re-e-mail the policy.
5. Mail any updates to the policy as required (sort of like AMEX).
6. If you really want to be proactive, post the policy on your public web page, this way if there is an issue, the policy has been posted and the employee has obviously violated it.
You've got a laundry list there.
Wayne gives a very good "here is the process" look.
I can't answer everything (that would be a book).
1) Whoever is responsible for enforcing your Transparency rules should set the policy. Not knowing your particular jurisdiction, I can't say for sure. However, generally, there is a *vastly higher standard* of ethics and transparency in the Public sphere. I'm hoping you've got someone assigned to that problem. If not, fund it ;-)
2) "Anthony Weiner". You can't say that, but that's the emotion you want to communicate. Per Wayne, poach a T's and C's for use. Explicit that they are responsible for self-governance. They will not use the devices for personal uses. They understand that everything that is communicated over those devices are public record.
3) The policy could be duplicated with the term "PDA" swapped for "device". It is hard to regulate tomorrow's tech with today's understandings. That being said, you've got that thing, so clarify that it is broad in application, and distribute it.
4) Negotiate a package that locks out roaming. This is the one area where it really is *your* obligation to make this safe. "Unlimited" plans are out there, and alerts can be set, etc. Cancel the other plans. Wouldn't you hate your Mayor visiting Beijing to drum up business, forgetting that his tablet is "roaming", getting a $20K bill (easy in a day), and being vilified for a mistake that *you* (generally speaking) set her up for?
generally, if a council member really messes up....Meh. Try not to sweat that part of it.
Thanks guys!