I am working with a Cleantech company who is looking to enter into a number of international markets through Licensing Agreements for Manufacturing and Sales. The structure we are contemplating includes an up front Licensing Fee and a percentage of sales for residual payments going forward. Does anyone have a similar Agreement or template you could share with me to work from toward fashioning agreements for our needs? What are the potential issues or pitfalls with there type of agreements? How does one insure sales for payment of residual payments? I appreciate the assistance in advance. Please feel free to contact me directly at [email protected], or by phone. Best, Regards, Keith Schwartz
International Manufacturing and Sales License Agreement Needed
We're a boutique international
Keith, every agreement can be different based on tax issues, regulations, whether to keep registration rights, etc. Although a check list (or template) would help, I would suggest looking at each market in a unique fashion guided by your strategic intent. Based on my international experience, you might not want to license at every market but instead manage your business expasion differently.
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