I'd like to hear the thoughts of our members on the "trend" of appointing Investment Bankers as CEOs.

Investment Bankers as CEOs
I find it concerning. When the go-to tools are M&A and financial engineering, real value creation--or lack thereof--tends to get obscured. The importance of innovation, market responsiveness, and deep understanding of market-specific risks becomes subordinated. This will dull competitive edges. Reducing talent diversification in the C suite will reduce competitiveness.
I agree John! ....and the debate about stakeholder vs shareholder tends to get skewed to one side. Especially when Private Equity (even so called "activist" investors) are involved where it is mostly all about the exit.
As an investment banker, I thought that I'd weigh in with another perspective. Of course, as always, the individual matters more than his/her prior occupation.
Naturally, people see the world through the lens they're most accustomed to using, but it would be a professionally unseasoned person who'd only apply the limited managerial tools of financial engineering and M&A for growth, while neglecting to put priority on value creation, product and service quality, building a more effective distribution system, sales force, etc.
And, some investment bankers such as myself bring additional background experiences and skills -- in my case I have been a VP
By the way, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos began his
McGavock, I did NOT intend to generalize (although reading again my original question, I admit that it had the
What is interesting about your example is that Bezos is well known for his love-hate relationship with Wall Street and it's obsession with short term metrics....well, profits!
I agree with John's comments. My other concern not mentioned is the lack of people skills I have seen. I have seen multiple instances where, decisions fail to take into account the motivation of people to achieve objectives.