"If you have issues with your sales tax
This question was asked at a recent webinar, now available on-demand:
"Confessions of a (Former) State Auditor"
Please add your thoughts about it below. Thanks!
"If you have issues with your sales tax
This question was asked at a recent webinar, now available on-demand:
"Confessions of a (Former) State Auditor"
Please add your thoughts about it below. Thanks!
This question is extremely wide open.
You need to understand the laws, policies and rules of your Sales
Just being over zealous (or a PIA) isn't a reason a supervisor will do anything. However, what are the justifications and the results of the prior phase that enticed the auditor to ask for more? Fishing expeditions have been found to be unfounded and disallowed in many states.
Talk to both a legal and