The company I work currently is very shaky financially and does not have a sound senior

Search for a new job
First, how long do you think you will have your job?
Second, your personal fiances, can you afford to live on unemployment and how long?
Third, how long have you been looking?
Fourth, are you looking for both current position level and lower level jobs?
Answer these questions and then decide.
Believe it or not, you are in a good position. You know your time is limited. So prepare. Stay with your current position until you are escorted out. It will be frustrating as I am sure the lack of management is leading to inefficiency. With respect to lowering expectations -
Option a) - Take a position below your current status that your sure will give you future opportunities when your talents are recognized; or,
Option b) - Wait for an opportunity that leads to immediate advancement.
I have seen both strategies work out successfully. A good friend of mine waited two years for an EVP position. Nine months into the job he became President of the company.
So -- start with Wayne's questions and go from there.
Good luck.
How long is "awhile" Anonymous? The average search can last 9 months, so in light of that average, where do you fit?
It's only time to "get desperate" if you aren't getting interviews for the kinds of positions that you want. If that's the case, you desperately need to do something different because continuing to do the same thing isn't going to yield different results.
If your name is all over the public job boards, you're already labeled a "desperate job seeker" even if you aren't yet desperate.
All the best!
Answers to Wayne's questions provide a clue to your next step
I jumped to a new job after leaving a previous company just anxious to get out of there even though I knew it wasn't the right position for me. BIG mistake! Recently I had to make the same move from my last agency and I did have some offers on the table but I knew they weren't right. One finally came across that I accepted (and have been on board for about a month and a half now) and am enjoying every minute of it. Hopefully your company is in stable enough of a position that will bide you some time while you continue to work - try to use this time to refresh up on your