I was sitting with some friends over this long holiday weekend; actually several groups of friends. It's a diverse bunch, blue collar, white collar, professional, Doctors, Lawyers, Indian Chiefs, yada yada yada (Happy 25th Jerry...). Anyway, we were talking about job requirements that they've read that makes totally no sense to them. And the winner was..... "Local Applicants Only". The consensus was they could understand (and have posted) a statement to the effect of "No relocation provided"; but they just didn't understand the former. Why would you purposely limit your ability to attract top flight talent? Any one know???

Maybe you have a logical answer; we can't find one...
My read on this is as follows:
" If you have to relocate here to take the job, we fear you/your spouse/kids won't settle in and so we'll end up re-recruiting in 2 years time, so we'd rather not talk to you."
Aka "cutting off your nose to spite your face." :)
1. It is a statement that the company thinks made sense (even if does not) and a practice handed down from one
2. A case of an outside recruiter (if contracted) just accepting the requirements given to them by the "company" and not even questioning it.
3. One high probability reason is that they may want to move forward FAST. More like the "I want you to start tomorrow!" reason and does NOT want to go through the hassle of "waiting" for you for several weeks.
Your post reminded me of a related joke (maybe NOT politically correct..and I apologize in advance) that goes along the lines of......"You are searching for the lightest candidate from the FAT camp!"
Here is a recent Business Insider (USN) article. http://www.businessinsider.com/long-distance-job-candidates-disliked-2014-7
1. You're not easily available for interviews. Unlike local candidates, when you're job-searching long-distance, you generally can't come in for an interview tomorrow or even this week. When an employer wants to schedule interviews quickly, this can be a major roadblock. Some candidates get around this by offering to interview over Skype or via phone, but many employers want to meet with candidates face-to-face, feeling that they get a better sense of them that way. Moreover, if you do get an employer to agree to interview you by phone or Skype, it can put you at a disadvantage. Some studies show that candidates come across as less likable on video than in person.
2. They don't want to pay relocation expenses. Many long-distance candidates expect that an employer will foot the bill to relocate them if they get the job. Some companies will, and some won't. But hiring managers often worry that you'll expect it – and some even assume it will be a requirement. As a result, they sometimes avoid long-distance candidates altogether, as a protective measure for their budget.
3. Sometimes they don't even want to pay interview travel costs. While relocation expenses can total in the thousands of dollars, interview travel costs are much less – but some employers don't pay those either. That's particularly common at cash-strapped nonprofits or small businesses, and as long as they have well-qualified local candidates, it's hard to blame them.
4. You might not adjust well to the area. Many employers see nonlocal candidates as more of a
5. They'll feel guilty if it doesn't work out. What if you move across the country for the job and then it doesn't work out? No manager with a sense of compassion wants that on his or her conscience. As a result, many are much pickier about which nonlocal candidates they're willing to consider, and the bar might be much higher to get an interview with them than if you were local.
6. There are plenty of qualified local candidates. This is usually the most important factor in how willing a company is to consider out-of-town candidates. Think about it from the employer's point of view: If they have plentiful strong candidates locally, where's the incentive for them to take on all of the hassles above? After all, hiring isn't about providing a fair opportunity to everyone who might be interested; it's about the company getting a job filled in the way that works best for them.
From my perspective, none of the reasons given are strong enough to warrant the elimination of out of area residents and can be remedied.