Does anyone have a new hire approval process/procedure?
We have a Protocol/Checklist that might be useful for in writing a procedure:
1. Send new employee (NE)benefits package
2. Announce hire to Company via email
3. Have NE provide IT an employee password
4. Order and prepare computer to have it ready at employee’s office for first day.
5. Update employee database with new employee information
6. Have a 1st day welcoming sign for their desk
7. Send PEO/
8. PEO will coordination-boarding process directly with new employee
9. Order suite key and key card (office administrators will maintain a minimum of three spare copies at all times, replacing the set given to the NE with another spare).
10. Setup NE in Time/Expense application and
11. Train new employee on phones, timesheets and expenses
12. Instruct employee on Share File
13. Update/distribute all company directories
14. Introduce new employee to Company web page, templates, Cad Standards, Directives, logo, Server file organization, timesheet/expense procedures, TOWP request, calendar, Employee Playbook
15. Email signature template
16. Create business cards and QR codes
17. Order business cards (for employee on 1st day)
18. Order name tags; name plates (for employee on 1st day)
19. Format resumes for proposals/web page
20. Upload resume/picture to web page
21. Provide PPE when necessary
22. Order background checks when necessary
23. Run drug tests when necessary
24. Office introductions and orientation, lights, coffee, copiers, supplies, etc.
25. Airline/Travel corporate account number procedures
26. Assign a peer-mentor in the office
27. Provide conference call-in instructions card
28. International travel insurance card, when applicable
29. Inform New Employee of GOES (preferred traveler global entry application web page GOES.com)
30. Create an employee travel information document, includes photo copy of passport, driver’s license, all contact info address/phones/email/Skype address, emergency contact information, airline/hotel account numbers and preferences, essentially all information necessary for making travel arrangements, NO SSN 31.Have NE register on Skype and provide Skype name
32. Take NE to lunch on 1st day
David, Becky's list is excellent. Are you also looking for "approval of the new hire candidate" or "approval of new hire headcount"?
I work with 5 software companies ranging in size of 15 - 50 employees. As headcount makes up the majority of our operational expenses, the parent company has tight controls in place.
Our process is as follows: all new positions require a business case identifying the benefits (qualitative and quantitative) to the organization which requires the approval of the General Manager, Division COO and CEO. The business case needs to state if the request is 'in' or 'out' of budget and if the OpCo is not tracking to hit plan, how the request will be funded or impact the current and sometimes next year's fiscal plan.
Replacement positions do not require the CEO's approval unless the OpCo is not tracking to plan. Whereever possible, compensation structures has a variable component tied to acheiving financial metrics. This helps to avoid situations where the OpCo commits to a high base in prosperous times and then are required to carry a high cost when we see dips in the market.
Finally, we have a check point at our semi-annual board meetings as to how we are tracking to the business cases submitted. This is effective, not only to reinforce accountability but also to provide a
A very extensive and thorough list for a NE. Thank you for sharing. JM