I have a not-for-profit client for whom my team and I provide outsourced
Not-for-profit GAAP: Grants awarded / receivable?
This may help:
"What is an unconditional promise to give (pledge)?
FASB116 stipulates that “unconditional promises to give” are to be recorded at the time the NFP receives notification of the promise. This notification must be in written form, oral promises should not be recorded. FASB defines a condition as a “future and uncertain event” that must occur for the promise to give to become binding.
In many cases, the only notification an NFP receives is when they receive the contribution. In this case it is clear that the entire contribution must be recorded at that time.
However, in other cases the NFP will receive notification of a contribution prior to the actual receipt of the funds. In this case the NFP must determine if they have received an “unconditional promise to give”, if so the revenue must be recorded.
Some factors that indicate an unconditional promise to give has been received are:
The donor has made payments under the promise
The promise contains a fixed payment schedule
The award uses words such as – promise, binding, agree…
The amount of the promise is determinable
The donor has the financial ability to fulfill the promise
A condition that is not truly uncertain – such as the NFP continuing
Examples of true conditions are:
Raising matching funds or receipt of other awards
Receipt of funds is based on a certain outcome
Amount of award is based on the amount expended"
Also see Paragraph 92 of the FAS:
The issue here is if the grant is CURRENT Pledge Receivable and does not have to be NPV'd. Most pledge receivables I have seen are multi year, hence the need for NPV.